Thursday 4 June 2015

#3 ~ Mereka Bilang Aku Cuek

#30DaysBlogChallenging #PelangiDrama #RainbowFamily #Day3
Bismillah, kita pasti pernah nanya-nanya sama beberapa orang mengenai diri kita. Selain tujuannya untuk introspeksi diri, juga untuk mengetahui apakah penilaian kita secara internal sama dengan yang orang pikirkan.

Untuk ngelakuin penilaian itu butuh orang-orang jujur yang ga takut untuk mengkritik temennya sendiri. Tapi kadang penilaian tentang kita itu suka tersampaikan dengan ceplas ceplos di waktu yang ga terduga dan dari orang ga disangka juga. Ini biasanya lebih berkesan.

Btw, what had somebody told me about myself?

Aha, I remembered when one of senior at college told her friends about me when we were at her house, "Nurul, the girl who never miss her time for smiling". Yap, she impressed me so much.

I was the silent girl when I was in senior high school who had few friends. Being silent was not really comfortable because people didn't like to talk a lot with you.

So, after graduating I completely changed the way I interacted with people around. I was trying to smile and said to myself that everything was fine although they were not smile back at me. From learning to be the smiling person, I got myself so confidence in facing people. I talked more and found myself was not the trembling girl anymore.

I will never forget that it was Kak Neni who said that to me, I was so thankful.

Beside that, one of my close friend from junior high school, Surya had told me that I was the one who didn't care about everything. She said that I always thought that everyhing should be done by itself and no need to worry so much.

I am a person who doesn't care about someone's feeling. I always think that people should be strong and not waste their time to think about something unuseful like relationship between unmarried woman and man, love monkey, how to get closer with someone you like, why your exam result is not very good, what kind of clothes should you wear tomorrow, cosmetics,  and so on.

Two contrast things that they have described about me. Ah, one more thing when my junior one day said to me that she was so scared on me. I asked her why. Her answer made me laugh so hard.

That was because I told them to wash their own tray after eating and not let the committee did it for them. Hahaha.... I explained to her that I did it because they were on second training which need them to be better than before and did everything without waiting us to complete it.

Until now I can not forget what they have said about me. I hope those make me become better and be more careful in talking.

Bye, see you tomorrow insya Allah

*mianhae jadi pake bahasa kampung halaman, lagi menumbuhkan rasa buat ngerjain skripsi -_-


  1. kok ngga ada yang bilang "Azizah tu ikhwan"
    wkwkwkwk :D

    1. aduh gue lupa gie, ga cuma elu yang bilang gitu sih, nantilah kapan-kapan aku bikin :p

  2. Cuek bukan berarti selalu lebih kuat sih. Cuek kdg jd mekanisme pertahanan diri spy tdk terluka lebh jauh lagi.

    1. kayaknya gitu sih, jadi orang cuek lebih banyak enaknya, ga peduli sama kata orang hehehe

  3. yeah, tersenyumlah, gak bakal rugi kok klo tersenyum malah bisa jd jatuh hati >_<

  4. Iyaaa tersenyum memang meberikan banyak dampak positif ^^

  5. kadang2 sy juga cuek2 aja utk hal2 tertentu sih :P
