Monday 16 September 2013

Rekam Jejak Caleg

Baru aja membaca berita di khusus Kepri tentang kata pengamat, Suradji, salah satu dosen Fisip UMRAH. Katanya masyarakat harus menelusuri rekam jejak para calon legislatif yang akan duduk lagi di Pemilu 2014 nanti. Tentu beliau sedang membicarakan para anggota dewan yang saat ini sudah duduk dan ingin kembali bertarung di pemilu mendatang. 

Meski demikian, sedikitnya aku mulai ngerasa curious how people will see me as one of the persons who join the election next year. Honestly, until now, I haven't got my confindence to the top so I can't fight seriously for the next 6 months. 

When I read newspaper or other news on website or seeing the pictures of other candidates on the streets, I start to ask my self, wether I'm ready or not for the election. The others have prepared everything included money, the participants, the strategies and so on. Me? I have no idea. At all.

I should know that I can not blame anyone else for decision that I made (well, actually this was not mine). I really need them to make me understand what I have to do. 

Back to the track record of me. How the constituents will see me? 
I think some people will see me as a the younger that has no experience in politic who accidentally was chosen to be one of the candidates for election. 

It's alright
Starting from now I have to be strong and remind my heart that there's nothing to be worried because there's nothing to lose. I will try my best, for it, I really need them. 

1 comment:

  1. duh, kakak caleg kita ada yang gamang~ tenang, kak. ada Allah yg bakal nentuin jalan terbaik buat kita.
    anggi pilih kakak deh :3
