Friday, 4 September 2015

Ed Sheeran - All of the Stars

rambut acak acakan aja bisa ganteng gitu yah

It's just another night
And I'm staring at the moon
I saw a shooting star
And thought of you
I sang a lullaby
By the waterside and knew
If you were here,
I'd sing to you
You're on the other side
As the skyline splits in two
I'm miles away from seeing you
I can see the stars
From America
I wonder, do you see them, too?

So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will lead
Into the night with me
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home

I can hear your heart
On the radio beat
They're playing 'Chasing Cars'
And I thought of us
Back to the time,
You were lying next to me
I looked across and fell in love
So I took your hand
Back through lamp lit streets I knew
Everything led back to you
So can you see the stars?
Over Amsterdam
You're the song my heart is
Beating to

So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will lead
Into the night with me
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home

And, oh, I know
And oh, I know, oh
I can see the stars
From America

Read more: Ed Sheeran - All Of The Stars Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Catatan Lagu

Labelnya saya kasih di lyric and nikah. Loh kok nikah emang ada hubungannya? Mohon dimaklumi ya gejolak pengantin baru saya iniiih. Tenang aja, kelebayannya cuma di share di blog. Ga bakalan di share ke facebook atau jadi status bbm, yaa kecuali ada yang nge share-in, itu diluar tanggung jawab penulis xixixi.... 
Sebelum pulang ke Tanjungpinang, bang Rio udah bilang kalo lagu ini bakalan ngewakilin kami nanti hehehehe.... Awalnya saya ga ngeh dengan lagu-lagu Ed Sheeran yang sering dia putar itu. All of the Stars salah satu lagu yang saya suka tapi ga ngeh dengan artinya. Tapiii begitu searching lirik dan nyanyyiinnya sekarang, oalah jeeeeng bikin kangen berat sama si abang XD

Katanya siiih lagu ini ungkapan perasaannya si Ed Sheeeran sama Taylor Swift. Well, I dont really care about them. But this song is really hot! 

Oya setelah nikah saya cuma di Jogja selama sebulan. Pulang ke Tanjungpinang buat kelarin tugas yang you know what hahhaha.... Ngerasa haram banget nyebutin satu kata itu. Bikin jiwa bergetar dan hati engga tenang. Jadilah hingga semua kelar kami mesti jalanin LDM-an selama beberapa bulan ke depan. 

Trus ketemuannya kapan? Ga tau juga. Kerjaannya di Jogja masih belum kelar. Akhir September mungkin jadi pindah ke Jakarta, insya Allah. Yaaa kalo ga kuat menahan rindu bisa jadi tiba-tiba nongol di bandara Raja Haji Fisabilillah XD *ngarep


  1. Wah ini one of my favorite songs XD

    Etapi bu... errr... Kenapa kalo Ed Sheeran kayak gitu rupanya jadi sekilas kayak kera dakti ya..

  2. xixixixixiiii didengerin makin asik ya, kera sakti? huahahahahhaa ganteng ganteng sakti dong

  3. LDM apaan jeung???

    Jiahhhh lwt lagu euy mewakili perasaan nya, jd ngiri

  4. long distance marriage kak hahahha ini kebetulan dapat lagu nya XD

  5. pas jomlo ldr, pas nikah ldm, meski berjarak tapi beda rasa, haha
