Ada sesuatu yang saya tidak tahu, tapi orang lain mengetahui hal itu dengan pasti.
Sesuatu yang amat sangat penting dan menyangkut masa depan sebagai seorang perempuan (emang perempuan ya heee).
Saya tahu bahwa orang lain sudah banyak yang tahu. Mereka ini benar - benar tidak adil. Curang sekali. Padahal ini kan berkaitan dengan saya, kenapa saya tidak boleh tahu???????
Katanya, "ntar juga dikasih tau kok, bersabar aja"
Haduuuuh..... semuanya lebayyy.....
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Monday, 19 September 2011
Foto Aja
Monday, 12 September 2011
Thursday, 1st September 2011
Bang Adi dan Bang Oyon baru aja pulang pagi ini pake motor, sebelumnya mereka akan ke Palupuh dulu
tempat mertua Kak Santi. Katanya mau singgah buat sarapan dan foto – foto di sekitar tempat wisata bunga Raflesia. Waaah manas – manasin nih dari semalam.
Nasiiib gak pulang pake motor jadi gak bisa jalan seenak dan sebebas mereka. Waaah planning nih tahun depan, kalo bisa pulangnya sama – sama dengan Bang Adi dan Bang Rio dari Batam, sampe di Padang naik motor ke Bonjol. Kan pas tuh satu motor dua orang plus bang Oyon. Amiiiiiiiiiiiiinnn…………… mesti nabung nih mulai sekarang biar bisa kumpulin uang buat pulang meskipun ibu n ayah gak bisa hehehhehe……… hmmmm udah musti cari pekerjaan di Tanjungpinang.
Sebenarnya mungkin masih bisa ketemu mereka di Padang karena sebentar lagi saya juga bakalan pulang ( hanya dalam hitungan jam insya Allah ). Tapi kalo udah namanya mau ketemu lagi tuh rasanya susah. Bang Adi n Bang Oyon pasti udah punya planning masing – masing kan di Padang. Kali aja mereka mau reuni bareng teman – teman sekolah dulu, jalan – jalan ke sana kemari. Namanya juga anak laki, mana betah di rumah. Apalagi Bang Adi di Padang sampe tanggal 12 September (rapelan cuti euy!!). Bang Oyon pasti juga udah sibuk kerja di Basko ( eh bener gak ya namanya ).
Hmmmm padahal udah bayangin nih, mau nonton bareng Di Bawah Lindungan Kakbah di bioskop Padang (mumpung nih!). Liat ntar lah gimana jadinya di Padang nanti.
Saya jadi ingat BPAP bulan Juni – Juli lalu di Jakarta, saya mendapatkan begitu banyak saudara baru yang tak pernah terbayangkan oleh saya akan menjadi saudara. Ketika pulang kampung ini, rasanya seperti kembali pada BPAP dan mendapatkan saudara dalam arti yang sesungguhnya hehehe……
Sebelumnya saya hanya mengingat mereka dalam kenangan masa kecil yang sekarang sedikit demi sedikit mulai hilang karena waktu kecil gak dicatat kayak sekarang :p
Di antara semua adik beradik dari pihak ayah, keluarga Mak Uwo lah yang merekat dalam kepala. Ketika di Padang dulu, entah berapa kali saya tidur di rumah mereka di air tawar.
Btw, saya harus mengakhiri untuk menulis catatan kecil ini karena sudah saatnya bersiap – siap untuk pulang juga ke Padang. Thanks banget buat Bu Feni, istrinya Pak An atas curhatannya pagi ini. Moga jumpa lagi ya buk.
tempat mertua Kak Santi. Katanya mau singgah buat sarapan dan foto – foto di sekitar tempat wisata bunga Raflesia. Waaah manas – manasin nih dari semalam.
Nasiiib gak pulang pake motor jadi gak bisa jalan seenak dan sebebas mereka. Waaah planning nih tahun depan, kalo bisa pulangnya sama – sama dengan Bang Adi dan Bang Rio dari Batam, sampe di Padang naik motor ke Bonjol. Kan pas tuh satu motor dua orang plus bang Oyon. Amiiiiiiiiiiiiinnn…………… mesti nabung nih mulai sekarang biar bisa kumpulin uang buat pulang meskipun ibu n ayah gak bisa hehehhehe……… hmmmm udah musti cari pekerjaan di Tanjungpinang.
Sebenarnya mungkin masih bisa ketemu mereka di Padang karena sebentar lagi saya juga bakalan pulang ( hanya dalam hitungan jam insya Allah ). Tapi kalo udah namanya mau ketemu lagi tuh rasanya susah. Bang Adi n Bang Oyon pasti udah punya planning masing – masing kan di Padang. Kali aja mereka mau reuni bareng teman – teman sekolah dulu, jalan – jalan ke sana kemari. Namanya juga anak laki, mana betah di rumah. Apalagi Bang Adi di Padang sampe tanggal 12 September (rapelan cuti euy!!). Bang Oyon pasti juga udah sibuk kerja di Basko ( eh bener gak ya namanya ).
Hmmmm padahal udah bayangin nih, mau nonton bareng Di Bawah Lindungan Kakbah di bioskop Padang (mumpung nih!). Liat ntar lah gimana jadinya di Padang nanti.
Saya jadi ingat BPAP bulan Juni – Juli lalu di Jakarta, saya mendapatkan begitu banyak saudara baru yang tak pernah terbayangkan oleh saya akan menjadi saudara. Ketika pulang kampung ini, rasanya seperti kembali pada BPAP dan mendapatkan saudara dalam arti yang sesungguhnya hehehe……
Sebelumnya saya hanya mengingat mereka dalam kenangan masa kecil yang sekarang sedikit demi sedikit mulai hilang karena waktu kecil gak dicatat kayak sekarang :p
Di antara semua adik beradik dari pihak ayah, keluarga Mak Uwo lah yang merekat dalam kepala. Ketika di Padang dulu, entah berapa kali saya tidur di rumah mereka di air tawar.
Btw, saya harus mengakhiri untuk menulis catatan kecil ini karena sudah saatnya bersiap – siap untuk pulang juga ke Padang. Thanks banget buat Bu Feni, istrinya Pak An atas curhatannya pagi ini. Moga jumpa lagi ya buk.
Saturday, 20th August 2011
My father took us to some family’s houses in Pekanbaru by borrowing Bang Doni’s car in the afternoon. Firstly we went to Aunt Rida’house, my father’s cousin on Jalan Paus then we continued to Jl. Murai where Aunt Yen, a friend of my mother. She was very kind and from what my mother told me, I knew that they were best friend before. Talking about boys, went travelling and other activities they did together. Then, we went to Ibu Tampan’s house. Her name was quite strange as Tampan means handsome in English hehhee……
At night, my sister and I spent our time by playing around with Rara, a nephew of us. Everybody in that house says that she is a naughty daughter, but otherwise, she is a smart girl. She only needs attention from her busy parents so she can change the way she talks when she is angry with other people.
At night, my sister and I spent our time by playing around with Rara, a nephew of us. Everybody in that house says that she is a naughty daughter, but otherwise, she is a smart girl. She only needs attention from her busy parents so she can change the way she talks when she is angry with other people.
Friday, 19th August 2011
So this is the most waited journey I’ve been dreaming for days.
Today we started our trip to go back to village. My parents had planned to drive by accrossing the sea using Roro, a big ship that can bring cars and another vehicles in it. Unfortunately, it had to be cancelled for some reasons such no ship crews, and some birocracy problems. What a terrible!!
We decided to go by ship from Tanjungpinang to Buton port in Riau. It took about 12 hours. We started from Tanjungpinang to Karimun for three hours, then move to another ship of Dumai Express that took us to Buton port for about 4 hours. After that, we went to Pekanbaru by car which was about 4 hours again on the road.
So the question is, what did I do along the journey???
This is the answer : M-----O-----L-----O-----R
I was so sleepy on the trip from one place to another today. I even had no chance to take a picture with my sister and brother on the ship when we were passing the Barelang Bridge and some small islands although for some people this was a stupid thing to do, but not for me. Well, at least I could sit next the window so it made me sleep well hehehe……
I knew that the moslem might not fast if they were on a far trip, but my family and I tried to fast until we arrived to our destination. I saw almost passengers on that ship were not fasting at all and they ate everything!!
There were many seller who sold food to passengers when we transit in Karimun and before our departuring from Tanjungpinang. On the way, the ship crews offered Pop Mie to everyone and many passengers orders for it. Ou man!!! The smell was nice and I felt that my stomach asked me to take it too. I was fixated!!!! At first I couldn’t stand it and tempt to break my fasting hahahha…… immediately I cancelled it and kept fasting though the smell was very good.
The man who sit next to me was eating out his food hungrily wowww….. The couple of husband and wife beside him were also eating pop mie hmmmmm it smelled very gooooood……
I tried to watch what they played on tv unlucky for me not to use my glasses as I lost it in last October, the exact day when I got my first scholarship from the government hhhh what a terrible day after that without glasses. It was hard for me to read in the class so I needed to borrow my friends’ note or I wrote what the lecturer said in my notebook. Of course not every word. Therefore, I couldn’t see the subtitle of the film. Then, I read book of Soe Hok Gie which told me his short life, but I only read a few pages then I was quit.
In Buton port, I was shocked that the weather was so hot. Very hot!!! It burned my skin!! Huft… we had to walk about ten minutes toward the gate of the port. It was so uncomfortable for me because the weather, my suitcase and its floor ( can I say it ‘floor’ ). It made me difficult to pull my suitcase. Outside the port, we needed to wait for a moment to get in the car, wowww where was the driver. He was so long to open the car so we might take a rest in it.
While waiting the car was full of another passenger, my family and I heard that a woman grumbled and complain to the driver and his friend only for a small thing reason. She thought that the driver’s friend cheated her about the cost. Hey…. It was only Rp. 10.000….. please be ‘dermawan’!!! they were argued for times, hhh it was not so good to hear….
I spent my time in the car from Buton to Pekanbaru by watching a movie from my notebook that I had prepared before ( well, I prepared many movies to watch along this long long holiday ). This time I watched a film of Angelina Jolie the woman who has a sexy lips ever (at least that was what magazines said about her). It was Salt.
In fact, this was a usual film that I was used to watch. A movie about some agents that incognito to finish their mission, FBI and CIA and the Russian agents too. Usual but unpredictable. I recommend this movie to be watched….
Along the road to Pekanbaru, we saw huge pipe at the roadside, we were told that it was for oil. It was so big that I imagine, I can not hug it. You know, Pekanbaru was known as one of the biggest producer of oil in Indonesia. There was a big company named Caltex which is stand for California Texas, many people worked here and became a success one.
I was thinking that the pipe might danger someone’s life if it exploded some time because there were many houses of the citizen that was passed through it. It could be Lapindo cases for years ago that haven’t finished until these days. Would it be exploded I didn’t know, but there was always posssibilty for it.
We arrived to my step-grandmother’s house at 5 o’clock in the afternoon, almost breaking fasting time, but I was wrong. It was still longer. So we just talked to each other (actually my parents did it), about the trip, the life, and so on.
Huft…. Thanks Allah for saving us to Pekanbaru
We called our step-grandmother ONE, (read ‘one’ not ‘wan’) that means sister in Minangese, I don’t know exactly why we do it, it was only the people around us called her like that, as a children we only follow the adults. She was healthy although her eyes were not able to see well. She also couldn’t walk so she had to use wheel chair. Everyday, she sits in the living room and do praying by saying God’s name. her husband had passed away years ago when I was in elementary school.
Other family members who were at home when were there, kak Ima and her mother we called Ibuk, Ibuk’s brother, bang Doni and Rara his daughter.
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